안녕하세요. 두드림체인 재단입니다. 빗썸BTC 마켓에서의 두드림체인(DRM) 서비스는 11월 15일 15시부로 종료되나 코인원 원화 마켓에서 지속적인 거래가 가능합니다.
12 Nov 2021, 07:17
두드림체인 재단입니다.
빗썸BTC 마켓에서의 두드림체인(DRM) 서비스는 11월 15일 15시부로 종료되나 코인원 원화 마켓에서 지속적인 거래가 가능합니다.
금번 빗썸 BTC마켓의 서비스 중단조치는 재단 입장에선 충분한 프로젝트 소명을 하였으나 아쉽게도 명확한 기준 없이 거래소의 조치를 받을 수 밖에 없는 현실이 매우 안타깝습니다.
그러나 재단은 프로젝트 로드맵을 충실히 이행을 하고 있으며 단계별 고도화를 통하여 두드림체인(DRM)에 투자하고 계시는 분들께 더욱 높은 가치를 제공하는 두드림체인(DRM)이 되겠습니다.
빗썸 BTC 거래소 상장 당시에 시황의 영향으로 DRM 상장가격이 예상가격 보다 높게 책정되고 이후 시총의 약세와 가격 횡보로 DRM 가격에 부정적인 영향이 있었습니다.
빗썸BTC 마켓에서의 유의지정 이후 두드림체인(DRM) 로드맵을 기반으로 모바일 App출시 및 DRM 생태계 확장 비즈니스 서비스 모델 발표, 다양한 이벤트 실시와 커뮤니티 활성화 등의 많은 노력을 하였으나 한달이라는 제한된 시간안에 시총 원상회복을 해결하기에는 역부족이었습니다.
그동안 재단은 충분한 기술력과 건강한 비즈니스 환경이 있다면 두드림체인(DRM)의 가치는 자연 상승할 것이라고 생각하고 보유하고 있는 블록체인 기술 역량 향상과 비즈니스 확장에 초점을 맞춰 프로젝트를 진행해 왔습니다.
이번 상황을 반면교사로 하여 재단은 두드림체인(DRM)의 가치회복에 주력하겠습니다.
두드림체인(DRM)에 관심을 주시는 투자자분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.
각고의 노력으로 최고의 성과로 보답하겠습니다.
두드림체인 드림
Same news in other sources
112 Nov 2021, 07:26
This is the DoDreamChain Foundation.
The DoDreamChain (DRM) service in the Bithumb BTC market will end at 15:00 on November 15th, but you can continue to trade in the Coinone won market.
This time Bithumb BTC Market's service suspension was a sufficient explanation for the project from the perspective of the Foundation, but unfortunately, it is very unfortunate that the exchange has no choice but to take action without clear standards.
However, the foundation is faithfully implementing the project roadmap and will become Do Dream Chain (DRM) that provides higher value to those who invest in DoDreamChain (DRM) through step-by-step advancement.
At the time of listing on the Bithumb BTC exchange, the DRM listing price was set higher than the expected price due to the influence of the market conditions.
After the designation of significance in the Bithumb BTC market, based on the DoDream Chain (DRM) roadmap, we made a lot of efforts such as launching a mobile app, announcing a business service model for expanding the DRM ecosystem, conducting various events, and revitalizing the community. It was not enough to solve.
In the meantime, the Foundation has been focusing on improving its blockchain technology capabilities and business expansion, believing that the value of DoDreamChain (DRM) will naturally rise if there is sufficient technology and a healthy business environment.
Using this situation as a teacher, the foundation will focus on restoring the value of DoDreamChain (DRM).
We sincerely thank the investors for their interest in DoDreamChain (DRM).
We will repay you with the best results through our hard work.
thank you.
Hello. This is the DoDreamChain Foundation.
This is the DoDreamChain Foundation.
The DoDreamChain (DRM) service in the Bithumb BTC market will end at 15:00 on November 15th, but you can continue to trade in the Coinone won market.
This time Bithumb BTC Market's service suspension was a sufficient explanation for the project from the perspective of the Foundation, but unfortunately, it is very unfortunate that the exchange has no choice but to take action without clear standards.
However, the foundation is faithfully implementing the project roadmap and will become Do Dream Chain (DRM) that provides higher value to those who invest in DoDreamChain (DRM) through step-by-step advancement.
At the time of listing on the Bithumb BTC exchange, the DRM listing price was set higher than the expected price due to the influence of the market conditions.
After the designation of significance in the Bithumb BTC market, based on the DoDream Chain (DRM) roadmap, we made a lot of efforts such as launching a mobile app, announcing a business service model for expanding the DRM ecosystem, conducting various events, and revitalizing the community. It was not enough to solve.
In the meantime, the Foundation has been focusing on improving its blockchain technology capabilities and business expansion, believing that the value of DoDreamChain (DRM) will naturally rise if there is sufficient technology and a healthy business environment.
Using this situation as a teacher, the foundation will focus on restoring the value of DoDreamChain (DRM).
We sincerely thank the investors for their interest in DoDreamChain (DRM).
We will repay you with the best results through our hard work.
thank you.